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Niosh Certification

NIOSH Certification for N95 Respirator

NIOSH Certification also is known as the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Certification. NIOSH approval, and certification assuring respirators and Protective Clothing used in the workplace meet the standards. COVID 19 Respirators to follow 42 CFR Part 84 standards. NIOSH Certification can be taken for those designs, manufactures, assembles, or controls the assembly of a respirator and protective clothing

Surgical N95 Respirator and FDA 510k Clearance

Surgical N95 Respirator Face Mask under FDA Product Code MSH must undergo NIOSH Certification before FDA 510k application and clearance. General N95 face mask (without Virus/ Bacteria protection claim ) under product code MSH can be directly registered and listed without 510k and NIOSH.


N95 Respirator

An N95 is a respiratory protective Face Mask designed to achieve a very close facial fit and blocks at least 95% of tiny (0.3 microns) airborne particles. The “N” stands for “Not resistant to Oil,”

N95 Mask Certification Process

Step I: Appoint Consultant

Asses the N95 manufactured conforms to the requirements of 42 CFR Part 84 and check the capability of the manufacturer to develop the technical inputs. The consultant will choose the type of application.

Step 2: Get the three-character manufacturer's code from NIOSH.

Based on the type of N95 and type of application, the three-character code must be received for further processing.

Step 3: Get the standard application form.

The application will be processed by consultants jointly with the client team and submitted by electronic media. All necessary documents also must be submitted along with the application as specified in CFR.

Step 4: Get Respirator tested.

All test samples must identified appropriately and marked as per application reference number and packed as per the relevant protocol and submitted to NIOSH.

Step 5: Comply with QA documentation.

Maintain and Implement proper documentation on-site and Get NIOSH approval for your respirator covering below:


a.  Design Drawings

b.  Quality Control Plan

c.  Sampling Plan

d.  User Instructions

e.  OOS specification

N95 NIOSH Certification Cost & Timeline

  • Tentative Certification Fees Payable to Authorities: $ 13050
  • Guidance & Technical Documentation : $ 19650
  • Associated Testing: Mask without Valve $ 4500 and or Mask with Valve $ 5000



  • The above fees are for a single N95 construction.
  • Guidance fees are payable in 40:30:20:10 based on the project progress and testing fees in advance.

From our experience and present COVID 19 crisis, the estimated timeline is ten months.